Category: Cyber Security

User Access Control

The Plain English Guide To: User Access Control

In this Get Support Plain English guide, we’re going to zero in on one of the five key controls of the UK’s Cyber Essentials scheme: user access control. Well-designed and smartly deployed user access policies can mean the difference between rock-solid cybersecurity and business vulnerability.

How to upgrade your Microsoft 365 security

How to Upgrade Your Microsoft 365 Security (In 5 Easy Steps)

Whether you’ve been using Microsoft 365 for a while, or you’re brand new to Microsoft’s all-in-one productivity suite, there are lots of optional features you might not know about, especially around cybersecurity. In this plain English guide, we’ll share 5 ways you can supercharge your company’s IT security with optional Microsoft 365 upgrades.

Cyber Security Checklist - Beyond Cyber Essentials

The Essential IT Security Checklist, Part 2: Beyond Cyber Essentials

In the second of our 2-part guide on essential IT security for businesses, the Get Support team will go beyond Cyber Essentials and provide some tips on advanced topics. If you want to understand all of the available options for protecting your business from cybercrime, this guide is for you.

Cyber Security Checklist - Cyber Essentials

The Essential IT Security Checklist, Part 1: Cyber Essentials

How well protected is your business against cyberattacks? With digital crime on the rise, and more people than ever online, it’s never been more important to ensure your IT is up to scratch. In part 1 of this 2-part guide, we’ll share the key advice you need to follow to stay cybersafe – all in line with the government-backed Cyber Essentials program.

The World's Best Password Managers - LastPass, DashLane, Keeper Security

The World’s Best Password Managers (Updated 2020)

In this guide, we’ll explore what passwords managers are, why you should use one, and which specific password manager might suit you best in 2020

Insecure passwords stuck to keyboard

Secure Your Password

In this article, we’re going to look at secure passwords. Nearly everything we use on a computer has a username and password. In a lot of cases, it’s the combination of these two things that keep your data safe.

Find out how to set choose strong & secure passwords.

Phishing: The Banking Scam!

Phishing: The Bank Scam

Cyber Security is a hot topic right now, with cybercrime more prevalent than ever before. This article looks at The Bank Scam, where businesses and consumers are tricked into handing over thousands of pounds to criminals.

Read on and find out how to stay safe.

My Password - keep it safe!

Security: User Education and Awareness

In this article, we’re going to cover a few vital tips on how to educate users to keep your IT systems safe the best part: it doesn’t cost a penny.

There’s plenty of thought-provoking information, and we’ve also included an informative, government-backed, video from The Centre of National Infrastructure Protection at the bottom.

Ransomware Atack

Cyber Security, Ransomware and Windows Update

This blog posting is in response to the cyber-attack that hit the news headlines on Friday, 12th May 2017 when a number of NHS trusts were forced to shut down their IT. The attack involved a piece of software called WannaCrypt, classified as Ransomware, spreading its self around vulnerable machines and then encrypting all the […]

Latest From The Blog

A quick update about Microsoft 365 pricing in the UK

As of February 1st 2025, the price of Microsoft Commercial Cloud products will go down in the UK to align with the US dollar pricing.

Microsoft 365 pricing is changing for 2025. Here’s what you need to know.  

For 2025, Microsoft is making changes to the ways billing works with Microsoft 365 business licenses. Here’s what you need to know.

The Plain English Guide to: Passkeys with Microsoft 365

Fed up with passwords? Our Plain English Guide explains passkeys for Microsoft 365: a safer, simpler way to log in. Learn how they work and how to get started.